
I would like to make a Donation to support Lifeline Express!

請填妥*欄目 Please fill in all * Required blanks

捐款金額 Donation Amount *

是否需要捐款收據 Do you need a receipt? *

若收據抬頭名稱與捐款者不同,請註明。 If the recipient‵s name is different from Donor, please specify:

(捐款 HK$100 或以上可憑收據申請扣減稅項 Donations of HK$100 or above are tax deductible with a receipt)

捐款人資料 Donor Information *

稱呼 Salutation

姓名 Name / 公司 Company *

捐款者編號 Donor No. (如適用 If applicable)

地址 (如需要收據,必須填寫) Address (Mandatory if donation receipt is required)

地區 District:

街道 Street/Road:

大廈 Building:

樓層 Floor:

室 Room:

電話 Tel: *

電郵 Email:



The above Personal data collected by Lifeline Express Hong Kong Foundation will be kept strictly confidential. The data will be used for our receipting, fundraising and/or other promotion matters related to Lifeline Express only. Please see the privacy policy of the website for details.