活動紀念T- Event T-shirt


請填妥*欄目 Please fill in all * Required blanks

團體名稱 Organization Name

稱謂 Salutation *

聯絡人姓名 Contact Person *

聯絡電話 Contact No. *

電郵地址 Email Address

請選擇款式及數量 Please select style and quantity *

選擇取貨方式 Choose Pickup Method (發貨日期:2021年7月30日後 Delivery date after 30 July 2021) *

快遞收貨人姓名Consignee Name

快遞收貨地址 Consignee Address

快遞收貨人電話 Consignee Tel.

#自行取貨詳情 Self-Pickup details:

取貨地點 Pickup Address:九龍觀塘開源道54號豐利中心5樓504室 Rm 504, 5/F., Hewlett Centre, 54 Hoi Yuen Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon

辧公時間 Office Hour: 星期一至五 Monday to Friday, 10am - 6pm

電話 Tel. :2861-0862 (請預約取貨日期及時間Pick up by Appointment)

* 確認付款後,恕不能取消/更改,包括款式及尺碼。Cancellation/Changes, including styles and sizes are not permitted after the payment is confirmed.





The above Personal data collected by Lifeline Express Hong Kong Foundation will be kept strictly confidential. The data will be used for our receipting, fundraising and/or other promotion matters related to Lifeline Express only. Please see the privacy policy of the website www.lifelineexpress.org.hk for details.